Our secret sauceĀ 

Tokenized equity

Renewable energy power plant requires, among many other things, a strong initial investment. We make it in such a way that the owner of the property where the pwer plant will be installed does not need to invest his own money. Only if they want to. This is possible through our platform thanks to blockchain and the benefits of this technology.

With tokenized equity everyone could be part of the new energy transition. The expansion and use of renewable energy technologies becomes easier than ever as well as taking advantage of its benefits.

Tokenized equity basically means that the value of the power plant is represented by digital tokens and sold to retail investors. Those tokens are legally bound to the dividends that this asset would generate for the next 20 years. This means that the money paid for the energy that the power plant is producing, would be distributed through smart contracts to all the investors that have participated in the initial investment of each power plant that TRUEKEN install.